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The Riding School at Harmony Horse Center

Want the best education in horsemanship? Check out The Riding School. Your monthly tuition gets you weekly riding lessons plus a weekly unmounted horsemanship class. â€‹We use a progressive curriculum that teaches and tests students on riding skills, barn safety and horse knowledge. Our goal is to create compassionate, confident and well-rounded equestrians. We emphasize safe practices and equine welfare while having lots of fun! 

Students can progress through the levels of our program by mastering all the skills for their level in order to earn a ribbon and graduate to the next level. â€‹â€‹

There is SO much to learn about horses, both in and out of the saddle. With our curriculum you can easily see the requirements for advancing. You will know exactly what you need to learn before cantering, jumping, riding in the open, leasing a horse, etc. 

Each skill builds on previous skills, making you a safer and more confident equestrian, and it's fun to earn awards that you can display! Plus, you'll be learning alongside other students working toward the same goals, making lifelong friends in the process.

Riding School Bronze level



Every month

Valid until canceled

Weekly riding class

Weekly horsemanship class

Access to leveled curriculum

Certificates and ribbons on graduation from each level

Riding School Silver level



Every month

Valid until canceled

All the features of the bronze plan

2 riding lessons each week

Opportunities to enter horse shows

Riding School Gold level



Every month

Valid until canceled

All the features of Bronze and Silver

Three riding lessons a week

The Riding School

Choose your monthly tuition plan

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